Tuesday, April 24, 2012

as of late

Yesterday I found out some great news.  The wonderful Katja from Katja's Kitchen nominated my little blog for the Versatile Blogger award.
I feel so incredibly honored that Katja, along with all of you, have enjoyed reading my blog so much.  I have been reading blogs regularly for the past 2-3 years and a few months ago finally got the courage up to put myself out there and share my own ideas.  I'm amazed just how open and friendly every one in the blogging community is and how much I have been welcomed with open arms.  I get really excited brainstorming ideas for recipes.  Most of them have come to me while either lying in bed at night, taking a shower, going for a run, or commuting to school.  (Notice I said, commuting to school.  Not, while in class ;) ).  

So the rules of this award are just that I have to pass this on to 15 other bloggers who I have recently discovered or follow regularly.  This is really hard since I have so many favorites.  Some of these are really well established blogs, and some are new, but here are a few that I can't get enough of.
  • Love the Grows  - This is a really cute blog filled with tons of wonderful recipes, sweet stories, and beautiful recipe cards that you can download.
  • This That and the Other Thang - Wendi is possibly the sweetest girl ever.  Her blog is fun, bright, and always brings a smile to my face.
  • Oishii Treats - Neshanne's blog is full of tasty vegetarian dishes, and some kick butt cupcakes.
  • Eat Live Run - Jenna's blog is one of the first ones I started reading, and I'm pretty sure I've read it every day since.  All of her posts are full of gorgeous pictures and tasty recipes.
  • Oh She Glows - This is the first blog that I ever read.  Angela is truly an inspiration.  I'm fairly positive I read every single one of her posts in 3 night span.  She is also the genius behind green monsters, and the person who introduced me to ch-ch-chia seeds.
  • PB Fingers - Julie is seriously the cutest person ever.  Her blog is so fun to read.  She has great fitness, fashion and food posts.  Must read.
  • Clean Eating Chelsey - Chelsey's blog is full of mouth watering vegetarian recipes and funny stories.  
  • How Sweet Eats - The best way to start my day, every day.  Jessica is hilarious and her recipes make me drool all over my computer.
  • Peas and Thank You - Mama Pea is a pure genius.  She has a way with words that makes me grin from ear to ear.  It doesn't hurt that her recipes are amazing and she's got the two cutest little girls in the world.
  • Life of Blyss - I love her workouts and fun personality.  
  • Tina Reale - This woman is so sweet and encouraging.  Her posts are full of truth, love, and kick booty workouts.
  • Fitting It All In - Clare is such a real, honest person.  I love how much she shares about her workout experiences, and her daily fashion posts.
  • It's Not Just About The Recipe - Stephanie is one of those people who reached out to me right away when I started my blog.  She is so sweet and encourages me more than she knows with her comments.  I'm pretty sure we are mind twins, we tend to post the same types of foods at the same time!
  • Green Wedding Shoes - When I'm not thinking about school, cooking, baking, or working out, I'm planning a wedding.  This blog has some of the best ideas that I've pulled a lot of inspiration for.
  • The Small Things Blog - Kate is a gorgeous woman who shares her hair, beauty and fashion advice.  Her tutorial videos are great too!
And there we have it.  Just a few people that I have in my reader and follow daily.  Some old, some new, but all equally great.  
For the second part of this I have to share 7 things about myself.
1.  I might have a small addiction to watching trashy tv shows (Dance Moms, Real Housewives, Toddlers and Tiaras, and My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding to name a few).  Some times I just need some mindless entertainment.  Sorry, not sorry.
2.  My wedding planning is currently taking over my living room.  There are half done craft projects everywhere.
3.  I'm addicted to Etsy.  The people on here are so talented and I could look at all of the little shops for hours on end.  I'm currently debating buying these.    
4.  I am studying to be an audiologist.  For as long as I can remember I have loved ears.  No, that's not weird.  I love my grad program, and being in clinic all the time.  (please wear ear plugs, thank you)
5. We are attempting our own little vegetable garden this year.  I don't have the best green thumb, but Josh is pretty good so maybe we have a little hope.
6.  My favorite breakfast in undergrad was going to the cafeteria and making homemade waffles that were Wisconsin Badger themed.  I would cover them in peanut butter and drench them in maple syrup.  Those were the days.
7.  I have on sister who lives very far away from me and who I miss more than life itself.  I can't wait to see her in a few short weeks for the wedding!
circa 1995 - check out those outfits


At April 25, 2012 at 7:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awe!!! Annie you are the sweetest!!! Thank you so much hon! I am so honored that you included me in the list of great bloggers. I am so glad you have enjoyed my little blog. It makes me so happy that I can spread a little joy and add a little smile to the day. You do the same for me! Thanks mucho gal! you are the greatest :)

P.S. I SO share your love of trashy TV shows (can't get enough of those darn Housewives of everywhere) and that Mickey Mouse outfit...adorbs!


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